The Best Tool for Fire Service Asset Management
12/02/2022 — Slate Pages
We hear all the time from emergency services organizations that asset management can be a dreadful and daunting task. Whether you are working to stay in compliance or simply trying to make sure your equipment is going to be ready when you need it most, tracking your assets in extremely vital for responders today. Trying to transition to any digital platform can make you feel that you’re better off just using your current paper record systems, but with the Slate Pages mobile app and our dedicated team, you’ll get the best tool that will save you time, money, and headaches!
How It Works
All of your personnel can download the free Slate Pages app, scan the QR code smart tag on a piece of equipment, and gather all information about that equipment as well as record their inspections from their mobile device. Equipment without a QR code tag can also be tracked by an ID number or name, which can be searched by administrators. For example, fire hose and firearms may be something difficult to affix an asset tag to, but by importing the serial number or ID number that is already a part of the equipment, you can search it and track it!
Utilizing pre-configured views on the online web portal, or by simply scanning or searching an equipment item, everything they need can be found quickly rather than searching through multiple pages of records and data.
Regardless of the industry you’re in, there will always be those who don’t see the worth in asset management, when in reality, there may be little value in the way you currently operate. Ditch the pen and paper, and build an asset management tool that will provide you with valuable operational data.