Simplify Fire Equipment And Apparatus Inspections With Slate Pages
12/09/2022 — Slate Pages
At Slate Pages, we understand that many organizations struggle to find an easy and useful way to track and inspect their equipment. Accessing data and maintenance records can seem like a chore to dig through paper records and consume too much time.
Slate Pages smart tags can track all of your equipment and apparatus and provide your personnel with a fast and reliable way to conduct equipment checks while giving you easy access to the information you need most.
Slate Pages eliminates the need for paper, binders, and clipboards and allows your personnel to work right from their smartphone and tablet.
How Apparatus Inspections Work With Slate Pages
Personnel can download the free Slate Pages app, scan the QR code smart tag on a piece of equipment, and gather all information about that equipment as well as record their inspections from their mobile device.
Equipment without a QR code tag can also be tracked by an ID number or name, which can be searched by administrators. For example, fire hose and firearms may be something difficult to affix an asset tag to. But by importing the serial number or ID number that is already a part of the equipment, you can search it and track it!
Different organizations may come into your agency looking for this information. It may be scheduled, such as ISO inspections for fire departments or CALEA assessments for police departments, but it can also be unplanned. OSHA can come to your organization at any time and assess your agency’s compliance…and it is probably something you should be prepared for before they come knocking on your door.
Utilizing pre-configured views on the online web portal, or by simply scanning or searching an equipment item, everything they need can be found quickly rather than searching through multiple pages of records and data.
Utilizing Slate Pages for your asset record keeping will provide an easy way to assure your personnel are tracking use, proving your compliance, and reducing the potential for injuries, costly fines, and payouts.