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Product Companion

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What Is Digitalization?


What is Digitalization? According to Webster, the digitalization of your product is a process that involves the conversion of text, pictures, or sound into a digital form that can be processed by a computer. For example, the digitization of a rare map can become a digital collection at the library. You take the rare maps in their original form and convert them into a digital medium. It’s pretty straightforward. You take an old photo, lay it on the table and take a picture with your phone. That old photo has now been digitized in a few seconds.

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What Is A Product Companion


In order to define what a product companion is or what it’s used for, let’s begin by defining what a “companion” is. A companion is one of a pair of things that adds value to and complements the other. A companion accompanies something. In this case, that something being accompanied is your product or service. Read more.

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