Slate Pages

Creative Ways To Use Slate Pages: Portable Toilet Inventory Management

11/29/2022 — Slate Pages

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Why Slates?

How many times have you had to go out to the yard and count your inventory by hand? Is it possible you missed one? How many units are in good condition? Bad condition? Do any need to be replaced? How many units need to be delivered next week or picked up? Finding the answer to these questions takes up a lot of your time if you’re trying to manage your inventory based on memory or by using paper. Slates can answer those questions for you within 5 seconds. Allowing you to spend less time on managing your business, and more time on growing your business. If you have received sample Slates for your portable toilets, you will see the following examples on your samples. If you have not, please take a moment to do that then come back to this page. Will only take 5 minutes to receive them via email. Link above, they’re free!

Inventory Management

Inventory management is extremely easy using Slates. It essentially only requires one field on the Slate, a Boolean field. A Boolean field is basic yes/no field that can help you answer two simple questions. How many units are out in the field? And how many are in my yard? If you have received samples, you will see the field titled “In Stock” as one of the first fields on the Slate. If the field says “yes” then that means the unit is in your yard, and obviously “no” means out in the field. This can be edited by either your people in the office or by the drivers when they deliver or pick up toilets from the yard. Data on the Slate is then displayed for you on the online dashboard. So, you can see a report of every unit that is in your yard and whatever that total amount is.

That is inventory management in its simplest form. If you wanted to get more in depth, you can do that as well with a couple more fields. Here are some examples:

  • After Slates give you an accurate count of which units are in stock, you can then assign those toilets to new customers when you get an order along with the delivery date. To do that you will need a text field and a date field. The text field is used to capture the customer’s name and the date field for the delivery date (these are featured on the samples). On the report mentioned above

  • Lets say you’re a larger company that has multiple yards and not knowing whether a toilet is in stock or not isn’t enough, you also need to know where its located. One way to do that is just update the GPS location. Once updated, its location will be displayed on the Slate itself online, and on a map view along with the rest of your toilets. Or you can add a selector field. A selector field is a basic drop-down menu. So, you can create options for Yards 1,2 and 3 and when a toilet is delivered to the yard or moves from yard to another, drivers can quickly update that information. And with that of course you can create reports on the dashboard showing you which units and how many are in each yard.

Quality Control

Tracking the current condition of your toilets requires just a selector field. You can add options to the selector such as Great, Good, Okay and Bad. You can then view reports of toilets in those conditions to get a better feel for the state your toilets are in and whether you need to order replacements soon.

Deliveries & Pick Ups

As mentioned before, the date field is the best way to capture delivery and pick up dates. You can create reports on the dashboard showing you which toilets are due for delivery and for pick up so you’ll never forget about them. Once delivered or picked up, your driver can leave a note for you confirming that they were there. Notes are best captured using the journal field. When an entry is made on a journal field, it captures the date time and name of driver automatically.